Tuesday, October 13, 2009

cattle prod

Halifax's theatre community is a small, but vibrant one. It leaves room for play and invention. I like this. Last night I was part of a fundraiser - raising money for a fellow actress to do a mission's trip to India. I was one of eleven women who got up to perform a monologue, song, poem, or piece. It was an encouraging evening to say the least. I felt so strongly part of this community after only a year and a half. It was humbling to have been invited to be involved. It was humbling to be well received. It was a great reminder that I need to be doing my craft regularly and it was an even bigger reminder that I need to be in community. We can't live in a vacuum, of course, and we can't create in a vacuum, either. Creativity begets creativity and I was cattle prodded (to use an eloquent image) last night with the inspiration and encouragement that I needed to jolt me into this fall - this time of creating.

I leave with that thought, short and sweet.

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